The Folkdances of the Western Polissia Region of Ukraine: Traditions and Innovations
innovation, dance, Western Polissia, traditional instrumental music // inovacija, ples, Zahodno Polesje, tradicionalna inštrumentalna glasbaAbstract
The Western Polissia ethnographic region of northwest Ukraine has a comparatively well-preserved traditional culture due to its naturally inaccessible woods and swamps. The territory is also unique because many scholars believe that it represents the original Slavic homeland. This article analyzes changes in the non-ritual dance repertoire of musicians of the Western Polissia region. New dances (e.g., the pol′ka, krakoviak, oberek, val′s, podispan, barynia, iablochko, na riechien′ku, karapiet, etc.) were incorporated due to the influence of national minorities and other people living in the area, as well as the diffusion of urban culture and the impact of mass-media on more traditional local forms such as the krutak, hrechka, etc.
Etnografsko območje Zahodnega Polesja v severozahodni Ukrajini ima zaradi slabe dostopnosti (gozdovi in močvirja) zelo dobro ohranjeno tradicionalno kulturo. Poleg tega je po mnenju številnih znanstvenikov Zahodno Polesje posebno območje, ker predstavlja prvotno domovino Slovanov. V prispevku obravnava avtorica spremembe v repertoarju plesov, ki niso povezani z obredi, tega območja. Vplivi narodnih manjšin in sosednjih narodov, pa tudi razširitev mestne kulture in množičnih medijev so pripomogli k temu, da so se tradicionalnim lokalnim oblikam, kot so krutak, hrechka ipd., pridružili novi plesi, npr. polka, krakovjak, oberek, valček idr.
Archive... The Archive of the Scientific-Research Laboratory of Musical Ethnology at the Mykola Lysenko State Academy of Music in L′viv, Ukraine.
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