The Films of Božo Škerlj


  • Naško Križnar Avdivizualni laboratorij, Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana



Božo Škerlj, družinska kultura, družinski film, amaterski film, vizualna antropologija, vizualna kultura // Božo Škerlj, family life, home video, visual anthropology, visual culture


Božo Škerlj je bil prvi doktor antropologije v Jugoslaviji, manj pa je poznano, da je bil tudi filmski amater. V tridesetih letih preteklega stoletja in še nekaj let po drugi svetovni vojni je snemal z malo ozkotračno filmsko kamero družinsko življenje in utrinke iz službenega okolja. Ohranjenih je 24 filmskih enot v skupnem trajanju 90 minut. V članku so predstavljene okoliščine in značilnosti njegovega filmskega ustvarjanja, vsebine filmov in njihov pomen za preučevanje kulture.


Božo Škerlj was the first anthropologist in former Yugoslavia with Ph.D., while it is not known to everybody that he also practiced amateur filmmaking. In the 30’s and 40’s of past century he filmed the family life and the scenes of his working activity. 24 film units are preserved which total duration is 90 minutes. In the article the history and a character of his filmmaking is presented, the content of the films and their significance for the study of culture as well.


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Chalfen, Richard. 1987. Snapshot Versions of Life. Bowling Green State University Popular Press.

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Križnar, Naško. 2002. Vizualni rokopisi. Traditiones 31 (1): 159–190.

James Moran. 2002. There’s no place like home video. University of Minnesota Press.

Murko, Matija. 1896. Narodopisna razstava češkoslovanska v Pragi l. 1895. Letopis Matice slovenske za leto 1895: 75–137.

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Worth, Sol in Richard Chalfen. 1997. Through Navajo Eyes. An exploration in Film Communication and Anthropology. University of New Mexico Press.




How to Cite

Križnar, N. (2005). The Films of Božo Škerlj. Traditiones, 34(2), 241–254.



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