Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of Futures: Concepts for Researching Something that does not (yet) Exist




anthropology of futures, multitemporality, future orientations, urban futures


The paper deals with the future as an object of cultural anthropological research and an analytical concept through a presentation of existing studies – from those in the domains of »cultural futuristics« and anticipatory anthropology to those that more visibly shape the anthropology of futures. We compare conceptual approaches (future as a cultural fact, multitemporality, temporal action, metaphysical presentism, multiple futures) and outline the research framework we develop in our project on urban futures.


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How to Cite

Gulin Zrnić, V. ., & Poljak Istenič, S. (2023). Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of Futures: Concepts for Researching Something that does not (yet) Exist. Traditiones, 51(3), 17–44.



Urbane prihodnosti / Urban futures