Multilingualism in Folklore: on the Research of the Intertwining of Languages in Songs (nearly) a Century after Glonar’s Call


  • Marija Klobčar ZRC SAZU, Institute of Ethnomusicology



folkloristics, bilingual songs, identity, assimilation, Joža Glonar


The publication of the last volume added to the extensive scientific collection Slovenske ljudske pesmi (Slovenian Folk Songs), finished in 1923, was accompanied by a comprehensive and critical introduction by the new editor Joža Glonar. Glonar emphasized the necessity of research on the intertwining of languages in songs. Research of bilingual songs or songs that traversed nationalities and symposia papers that put this research into the international context provided insight into the intertwining of languages and offered an explanation to the question of why Slovenian folkloristics has not been able to follow these research trends.


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How to Cite

Klobčar, M. (2023). Multilingualism in Folklore: on the Research of the Intertwining of Languages in Songs (nearly) a Century after Glonar’s Call. Traditiones, 51(2), 7–25.