Changes in Intangible Cultural Heritage in Slovakia: The Case the Fujara


  • Katarína Koštialová Matej Bel University, Department of Social Studies and Ethnology
  • Ivan Murin Matej Bel University, Department of Social Studies and Ethnology



fujara tradition, rural area, urban area, sustainability, transformation, inventory, Representative List of Slovak Intangible Cultural Heritage, Slovakia


This study examines changes in the expanding environment and functions of the instrument known as the fujara, the first element of intangible cultural heritage added to the Representative List of Slovak Intangible Cultural Heritage. The text looks at Slovak legislation on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage as well as at terminology, which, from the point of view of national protection of cultural heritage and research, in being increasingly unified. The change in the natural environment has also changed the functions of playing the fujara and passing on the fujara tradition. From the point of view of changes in the distribution of culture from the rural to urban environment, the authors paid attention to new ways of learning to play the fujara as well as the ratio of vertical, horizontal, and indirect modes of transmission.


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How to Cite

Koštialová, K., & Murin, I. (2022). Changes in Intangible Cultural Heritage in Slovakia: The Case the Fujara . Traditiones, 50(1), 151–171.