Vol. 50 No. 1 (2021): Dediščine: perspektive in prakse / Heritages: Perspectives and Practices

					View Vol. 50 No. 1 (2021): Dediščine: perspektive in prakse / Heritages: Perspectives and Practices

Volume Editors: Jurij Fikfak and Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik

First issue of Traditiones provided room for reflections on where we stand with heritage today. Three aspects or approaches to thematizing heritage were decisive: an overview of research to date (Alessandro Testa), a view forward (Laurent Sebastien Fournier, Regina Bendix), and concrete heritage practices in various European contexts, especially in central Europe (Roland W Peball and Klaus Schönberger, Špela Ledinek Lozej and Marjeta Pisk, Božidar Jezernik, Petko Hristov, Katarina Koštialová and Ivan Murin, Barbara Ivančič Kutin and Monika Kropej Telban).

Cover image: “How Can One Cope with Such a Legacy?” Memorial Center Lipa (Cro). April 30, 2017 (Photo by Jurij Fikfak)


Published: 31.12.2021