Žival v žarišču: novi koncepti raziskav živali v humanistiki / Animal in Focus: New Concepts for Animal Research in Humanities – Traditiones 53 (2), 2024


If we want to follow the ontological turns in the humanities, it is necessary to rethink the difference between humans and animals, the ethical and ontological status of animals, and to go beyond the distinction based on new insights and political practices. Rethinking animals so that they are no longer those between zoé and bios (Wadiwel 2015; Agamben 1999). According to Paul Taylor (1986), from the viewpoint of biocentric equality, all organisms, regardless of their species, have the same internal value and right to be treated respectfully. In this way researchers have already started their journey towards biocentrism and ecocentrism.

The thematic issue Traditiones is therefore an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary set of discussions from different humanities, from zoofolklore studies to cultural and critical animal studies and others sciences that put the animal at the centre.