Habsburške živali / Habsburg Animals – Traditiones 54 (3), 2025
We are delighted to announce a special themed issue dedicated to human-animal relations within the Habsburg Empire. This collection of articles will build on the recent Habsburg Animals Conference (Ljubljana, 2-3 October 2024) and delve into the intricate and multifaceted interactions between humans and animals throughout the long nineteenth century.
In recent decades, the “animal turn” has brought animals into the spotlight across numerous academic fields. Yet, they have remained relatively overlooked in scholarship focused on the Habsburg Empire. Central Europe, a region teeming with diverse animal species, underwent sweeping transformations in human-animal relationships during the empire’s final century, as evolving attitudes and practices reshaped animal lives in profound ways. To address this scholarly gap and ignite further discussion on animal-related themes, our issue will draw on anthropological inquiries to explore a wide range of historical topics—most notably, the development of agricultural science and its lasting impact on the contemporary world.
The deadline is February 20th 2025.
Daša Ličen (ZRC SAZU, dasa.licen@zrc-sazu.si) and Wolfgang Göderle (University of Graz | Max Planck Institute for Geoanthropology, goederle@gea.mpg.de).