
  • Andrej Martinčič Zaloška 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Bryophyta (Musci) flora, Prokletije Mts. (Serbia, Montenegro), horological analysis, red-listed species


The author presents the results of his own research of flora of mosses (Musci) of the part of Prokletije Mts. that lies in Serbia and in Montenegro. He mentions 268 species for the part, which so far remained briofloristically practically unknown; among them 10 species are new records for Serbia and 44 for Montenegro. In his horological analysis, the author specifically emphasises the large proportion of »northern elements« (arctic alpine, subarctic-subalpine, boreal-montane, boreal-temperate), which migrated into the Prokletije Mts. in the Pleistocene.



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How to Cite

Martinčič, A. (2015). MOSS FLORA OF THE PROKLETIJE MOUNTAINS (SERBIA, MONTENEGRO). Hacquetia, 5(1). Retrieved from




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