The bryophyte flora of Smrekovško pogorje Mts. (The Kamniško-Savinjske Alps, Slovenia)


  • Andrej Martinčič Zaloška 78a, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


bryophyte flora, Bryophyta, Marchantiophyta, Smrekovško pogorje Mts. (the Kamniško-Savinjske Alps), horological analysis, red-listed species


The study gives results on new bryophyte records of Smrekovško pogorje Mts. as well as the previous reports from the literature. In total 229 species are reported from the investigated region, 173 mosses and 56 liverworts. Among them 3 are reported for the first time for Slovenia (Sciuro-hypnum oedipodium, Calypogeia integristipula, Lophozia sudetica), 20 species are reported for the first time for the Kamniško-Savinjske Alps (Alpine phytogeographical region of Slovenia). 26 species are included in the national Red List and 4 species in the Red Data Book of European Bryophytes (ECCB 1995), in the rare (R) category: Scapania verrucosa, Brachythecium geheebii, Fissidens asplenioides and Paraleucobryum sauteri.



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How to Cite

Martinčič, A. (2015). The bryophyte flora of Smrekovško pogorje Mts. (The Kamniško-Savinjske Alps, Slovenia). Hacquetia, 7(1). Retrieved from




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