An overview of internationally important plant taxa from Kosovo

An overview of internationally important plant taxa from Kosovo



flora, European red list, Conservation Prioritization, Biodiversity


This study investigates internationally important plant taxa in Kosovo, using data from international lists and local records. The goals are to identify these taxa, outline their significance, and enhance understanding of their ecology, distribution, and conservation status. The analysis identified 59 internationally significant plant taxa in Kosovo, with the Orchidaceae family prominently represented by 33 taxa. This highlights global conservation concerns for orchids due to their vulnerability to habitat loss and illegal trade. Other important families include Amaryllidaceae, Liliaceae, and Lycopodiaceae. These taxa are listed under frameworks such as the Habitats Directive, CITES, and the Bern Convention, indicating the need for rigorous conservation efforts. Habitat loss and fragmentation are primary threats, impacting 26 taxa, followed by wild collection, grazing, agriculture, and urbanization. Effective conservation strategies should involve habitat protection, sustainable harvesting, and community engagement.


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How to Cite

Millaku, F., Krasniqi, E., & Berisha, N. (2024). An overview of internationally important plant taxa from Kosovo: An overview of internationally important plant taxa from Kosovo. Hacquetia. Retrieved from


