Iskanje virov za <em>Opus musicum</em> Jacobusa Handla: »Instructio ad musicos« in njegov pomen za skladateljev projekt
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Opus musicum, Jacobus Handl - Gallus, motet, liturgični koledarPovzetek
Jacobus Handl - Gallus v besedilu »Instructio ad musicos« z začetka tretjega zvezka zbirke Opus musicum omenja pet svojih motetov z namenom, da pojasni svoj načrt. Natančen pregled besedil teh motetov razodeva, da teksti sami niso popolnoma v skladu z liturgično redakcijo, kar napeljuje k podmeni, da imamo opravka s priredbami, ki nosijo skladateljev osebni pečat. Zdi se, da je vsebina zbirke Opus musicum precej manj homogena, kot se kaže v razporeditvi po liturgičnem koledarju.Prenosi
Burn, David J. “Analysing Sixteenth-Century Chant-Based Polyphony: Some Methodological Observations, and a Case-Study from Leonhard Paminger”. Musiktheorie: Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft 27, no. 2 (2012): 144–161.
Burn, David J., and Stefan Gasch, eds. Heinrich Isaac and Polyphony for the Proper of the Mass in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Turnhout: Brepols, 2011.
Ciglbauer, Jan. “Quoting, Rethinking and Copying: A Few Remarks on the Tradition of the Monophonic Cantio in Central Europe”. Hudební věda 51, nos. 1–2 (2014): 21–32.
Coeurdevey, Annie. Roland de Lassus. Paris: Fayard, 2003.
Crook, David. “‘A Certain Indulgence’: Music at the Jesuit College in Paris, 1575–1590”. In The Jesuits, vol. 2, Cultures, Sciences and the Arts, 1540–1773, edited by John O’Malley, SJ, Gauvin Alexander Bailey, Steven J. Harris and T. Franck Kennedy, SJ, 454–478. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006.
Cvetko, Dragotin. Iacobus Hándl Gallus vocatus Carniolanus. Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 1991.
Desmet, Marc. “Jacobus Handl Gallus’ Inventory: New Suggestions about the Music Books Found in the Composer’s Belongings”. Hudební věda 54, no. 4 (2018): 441–454.
Gancarczyk, Paweł. La musique et la révolution de l’imprimerie, les mutations de la culture musicale au XVIe siècle. Translated from Polish by Wojciech Bońkowski. Lyons: Symétrie, 2015.
Helsen, Katherine Eve. “The Great Responsories of the Divine Office: Aspects of Structure and Transmission”. PhD diss., Universität Regensburg, 2008.
Kennedy, T. Frank, SJ. “Jesuit Colleges and Chapels: Motet Function in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries”. Archivium historicum Societatis Iesu 55, nos. 129–130 (1996): 198–211.
Leitmeir, Christian. “Lutheran Propers for Wrocław/Breslau: The Cantus Choralis (1575) of Johannes Knöfel”. In The Musical Culture of Silesia before 1742, edited by Paweł Gancarczyk, Lenka Hlávková-Mráčková and Remigiusz Pośpiech, 89–114. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013.
Leszczyńska, Agnieszka. “Liturgical Function and Gregorian Chant in the Music of Paulus Bucenus”. Musicologica Brunensia 51, no. 1 (2016): 91–102.
Mantuani, Josip. “Einleitung”. In Opus Musicum: Motettenwerk für das ganze Kirchenjahr, vol. 1, Vom 1. Adventssonntag bis zum Sonntag septuagesima, by Jacob Handl (Gallus), vii–xxxiii. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, vol. 6, no. 1. Vienna: Artaria, 1899.
Motnik, Marko. Jacob Handl-Gallus: Werk – Überlieferung – Rezeption; mit thematischem Katalog. Tutzing: Hans Schneider, 2012.
Strunk, Oliver. “Some Motet-Types of the 16th Century”. In Papers Read at the International Congress of Musicology: Held at New York, September 11th to 16th, 1939, edited by Arthur Mendel, Gustave Reese and Gilbert Chase, 155–160. New York: Music Educators’ National Conference, [1944].
Škulj, Edo, ed. Gallusovi predogovori in drugi dokumenti. Ljubljana: Družina, 1991.
Škulj, Edo. “Liturgična vsebina Opus Musicum”. In Gallus in mi: strokovno posvetovanje, 1. IV. – 5. IV. 1991, edited by Primož Kuret, 42–70. Ljubljana: Festival Ljubljana, 1991.
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