Ponarejena Ruckersova glasbila v zbirki Muzeja glasbil v Bruslju: primer raziskave tako imenovanega »Ruckers-Taskinovega« čembala




Ključne besede:

čembalo, Ruckers, Taskin, ponaredek, arheometrična orodja


Uporaba arheometričnih orodij je osvetlila dejansko preteklost tako imenovanega »Ruckers-Taskinovega« čembala (Muzej glasbil v Bruslju, inv. št. 3848), glasbila ki ni niti Ruckersovo niti Taskinovo, temveč francoski inštrument iz okoli leta 1695, ki ga je leta 1750 ponaredil Antoine Vater in leta 1774 restavriral Pascal Taskin.


Biografija avtorja

Pascale Vandervellen

Musée des Instruments de Musique, Bruxelles / Muziekinstrumentenmuseum, Brussel


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Marcuse, Sibyl. “Transposing Keyboards on Extant Flemish Harpsichords”. The Musical Quarterly 38, no. 3 (1952): 414–425. https://doi.org/10.1093/mq/XXXVIII.3.414.

O’Brien, Grant. Ruckers: A Harpsichord and Virginal Building Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

O’Brien, Grant. “Ruckers Double-Manual Harpsichords and Details of Them Relevant to the 1599 Ioannes Ruckers Double-Manual Harpsichord, Händel-Haus, MS-65”. In Kielinstrumente aus der Werkstatt Ruckers: zu Konzeption, Bauweise und Ravalement sowie Restaurierung und Konservierung; Bericht über die internationale Konferenz vom 13.–15. September 1996 im Händel-Haus Halle, edited by Christiane Rieche, 48–62. Halle an der Saale: Händel-Haus, 1998.

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Saverwyns, Steven, and Marina Van Bos. “Looking beyond the Decorated Surface: A Material-Technical Study of Decorations on Ruckers Instruments”. In The Golden Age of Flemish Harpsichord Making: A Study of the MIM’s Ruckers Instruments, edited by Pascale Vandervellen, 329–341. Brussels: MIM, 2017.

Vander Auwera, Joost. “Comments on ‘1612 HR’ Painted Figurative Decoration”. In The Golden Age of Flemish Harpsichord Making: A Study of the MIM’s Ruckers Instruments, edited by Pascale Vandervellen, 286–287. Brussels: MIM, 2017.

Versteeg, Arjan. “Dendrochronological Analyses of the Soundboards of the MIM’s Ruckers Instruments”. In The Golden Age of Flemish Harpsichord Making: A Study of the MIM’s Ruckers Instruments, edited by Pascale Vandervellen, 353–365. Brussels: MIM, 2017.



Kako citirati

Vandervellen, P. (2024). Ponarejena Ruckersova glasbila v zbirki Muzeja glasbil v Bruslju: primer raziskave tako imenovanega »Ruckers-Taskinovega« čembala. De Musica Disserenda, 19(2). https://doi.org/10.3986/dmd19.2.06