Pevec in skladatelj Henry Holcombe (1690–1756)
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Henry Holcombe, gledališče Drury Lane, angleška pesem, kanconetaPovzetek
Henry Holcombe (1690–1756) se je z glasbo prvič srečal kot pevec v zboru stolnice v Chestru. Leta 1705 se je preselil v London, kjer je pel v gledališču Drury Lane. Kasneje je deloval kot izredno uspešen zasebni učitelj glasbe. Šele kasneje v življenju je dosegel svoj polni potencial kot skladatelj in izdal štiri glasbene zbirke vrhunske kakovosti. Pričujoča razprava je prva podrobnejša študija Holcombovega življenja in dela.
Holcombe, A. Twelve Italian Canzonets: To Which Is Added a Collection of English Songs. London: Walsh, [1753].
Holcombe, Henry. The Garland: A Collection of Songs and Cantatas. London: Simpson, [1748].
Holcombe, Henry. The Musical Medley, or A Collection of English Songs and Cantatas. [London]: author, [1755].
Holcombe, Henry. Six Solos for a Violin and Thorough Bass with Some Pieces for the German Flute and Harpsichord […] Opera Prima. London: author, [1745].
Holcombe, Henry. Three Airs for Flute (or Descant Recorder) and Continuo. Edited by Jeremy Barlow. London: Schott, 1977.
Arnold, John, ed. The Essex Harmony. London: Bigg, 1777. The British Orpheus. Vol. 1. London: Walsh, 1741.
De Fesch, Willem. Canzonette ed arie a voce sola di soprano col basso continuo. London: author, [c. 1735].
The Delightful Pocket Companion: For the German Flute. Vol. 1, bk. 5. London: Simpson, 1745.
D’Urfey, Thomas, ed. Wit and Mirth: or, Pills to Purge Melancholy. Vol. 5. London: Pearson, 1714.
Travers, John. Eighteen Canzonets for Two and Three Voices. London: author, 1746.
Venetian Ballad’s Compos’d by Sig.r Hasse and All the Celebrated Italian Masters. London: Walsh, 1742.
Altieri, Ferdinando. Dizionario inglese ed italiano. London: Innys, 1727.
Avery, Emmett Langdon, ed. The London Stage, 1660–1800. Vol. 2, 1700–1729. 2 bks. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1960.
Baldwin, Olive, and Thelma Wilson. “With Several Entertainments of Singing and Dancing”. In Music and the Benefit Performance in Eighteenth-Century Britain, edited by Matthew Gardner and Alison DeSimone, 39–59. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Boyle, John. Letters from Italy, in the Years 1754 and 1755. London: White, 1773.
Burney, Charles. A General History of Music: From the Earliest Ages to the Present Period. Vol. 4. London: Payne, 1789.
The Cyclopaedia; or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature. Edited by Abraham Rees. Vol. 18. London: Longman and others, 1819.
Doolittle, Thomas. A Complete Body of Practical Divinity. London: Clark, 1723.
Goodall, Richard. Eighteenth-Century English Secular Cantatas. New York: Garland Publishing, 1989.
Goodall, Richard. A System of Moral Philosophy. London: Waugh, 1749.
Guthrie, William. A New Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar and Present State of the Several Kingdoms of the World. London: Dilly and others, 1795.
Harrison, Elizabeth. Miscellanies on Moral and Religious Subjects in Prose and Verse. London: author, 1756.
Hawkins, Sir John. A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Vol. 5. London: Payne, 1776.
Hicks, Anthony. “Paolo Rolli’s Canzonets and Cantatas and Their Earliest Musical Settings”. In Three Papers on Handel, edited by Colin Timms, 7–51. London: The Gerald Coke Handel Foundation, 2021.
The Historical Register, Containing an Impartial Relation of all Transactions, Foreign and Domestick. Vol. 12. London: Nutt, 1727.
Johnstone, Harry Diack. “The Academy of Ancient Music (1726–1802): Its History, Repertoire and Surviving Programmes”. Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle 51 (2020): 1–136.
Johnstone, Harry Diack, and Roger Fiske, eds. The Blackwell History of Music in Britain. Vol. 4, The Eighteenth Century. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990.
Marx, Hans Joachim, and Steffen Voss. The Compositions Attributed to G. F. Handel, 1700–1800 (HWV Anh. B). Hildesheim: Olms, 2017.
Matthews, Betty. The Royal Society of Musicians of Great Britain: List of Members 1738–1984. London: Royal Society of Musicians, 1985.
Newman, William S. The Sonata in the Baroque Era. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1959.
Pennant, Thomas. The Journey from Chester to London. London: White, 1782.
Rice, Paul Francis. The Solo Cantata in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Warren, MI: Harmonie Park Press, 2003.
Rolli, Paolo. Di canzonette e di cantate libri due. London: Edlin, 1727.
Shaw, Watkins. The Succession of Organists of the Chapel Royal and the Cathedrals of England and Wales from c. 1538. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.
Smith, William C., and Charles Humphries. A Bibliography of the Musical Works Published by the Firm of John Walsh during the Years 1721–1766. London: The Bibliographical Society, 1968.
Spink, Ian. “A Chester Organ Book in Tokyo”. Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle 32 (1999): 137–147.
Talbot, Michael. “From Giovanni Stefano Carbonelli to John Stephen Carbonell: A Violinist Turned Vintner in Handel’s London”. Göttinger Händel-Beiträge 14 (2012): 265–299.
Talbot, Michael. “How Recitatives End and Arias Begin in the Solo Cantatas of Antonio Vivaldi”. Journal of the Royal Musical Association 126, no. 2 (2001): 169–192.
Talbot, Michael. “Maurice Greene’s Vocal Chamber Music on Italian Texts”. Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle 48 (2017): 91–124.
Talbot, Michael. “What Lists of Subscribers Can Tell Us: The Cases of Giacob Basevi Cervetto’s Opp. 1 and 2”. De musica disserenda 10, no. 1 (2014): 121–139.
Wilson, Walter. The History and Antiquities of Dissenting Churches and Meeting Houses in London, Westminster, and Southwark. Vol. 2. London: author, 1808.
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