Influence of Geological Structure on Micro-location of Submarine Karstic Sulphur Springs near Izola (SW Slovenia)

Vpliv geološke strukture na mikrolokacijo podmorskih kraških žveplenih izvirov pri Izoli (JZ Slovenija)




sulphur, karst springs, Adria foreland, Izola anticline, geological mapping


In the Slovenian part of the Gulf of Trieste/Trst, submarine springs occur as funnel-shaped depressions in the Holocene sandy-silt marine sediment that forms the seafloor. These springs exhibit both elevated temperatures (up to 29.6 °C) and sulphur content. Based on their location, they are divided into three groups: the Izola group (three springs), the Bele skale group (two springs), and the Ronek group (seven springs). Previous investigations linked these springs to the Izola anticline, characterized by its limestone core and flysch limbs, but no detailed explanation was provided. We propose that: A) sulphur groundwater springs from the limestone (karstic aquifer) at the stratigraphic boundary with the flysch and B) springs occur in the nearshore area, where the sedimentary cover of Quaternary deposits is thin enough to be penetrated by spring waters and washed out. According to existing data, the anticline axis is NW-SE directed, and the Izola group lies approximately on the seaward extension of the axis. Therefore, this interpretation fits perfectly for the Izola group, while the Ronek and Bele skale groups are off-axis extensions and require reinterpretation. In order to resolve the micro-locations of the Ronek and Bele skale groups, we conducted a sedimentological logging of the flysch deposits and detailed geological mapping. The investigations revealed that: A) limestone outcrops occur only in the town of Izola, B) two prominent calciturbidite megabeds that occur in the flysch enable very detailed geological mapping, and C) the axis of the Izola anticline is oriented in the WNW-ESE direction, and this moderate anti-clockwise rotation of the anticline axis explains the micro locations of all springs. The Ronek and Bele skale groups are located on the southern side, and the Izola group is on the northern side of the limestone core of the Izola anticline.


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How to Cite

Rozic, B., & Žvab Rožič, P. (2023). Influence of Geological Structure on Micro-location of Submarine Karstic Sulphur Springs near Izola (SW Slovenia): Vpliv geološke strukture na mikrolokacijo podmorskih kraških žveplenih izvirov pri Izoli (JZ Slovenija). Acta Carsologica, 52(1).



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