Galeria Valvasoriana
A Collection of Valvasor Family Portraits
ancestral portrait gallery, oil paintings, Valvasor family, nobility, Plankenwart Castle near Graz, Belnek (Wildenegg) CastleAbstract
In the early twentieth century, Rudolfinum, the Provincial Museum of Carniola in Ljubljana, received a donation of a series of portraits of the members of the noble Valvasor family, which now forms part of the National Gallery of Slovenia collection. The uniformly formatted collection, which, given its content, may be justifiably called the Galeria Valvasoriana, consists of eight portraits, including depictions of the parents and grandmother of the famous polymath Johann Weikhard (1641–1693). While individual portraits have so far been the subject of several studies in various art historical contexts as well as from the perspective of the history of the Valvasor family, they have never been thoroughly studied as a whole, both in terms of their genesis and subsequent history until they ultimately came to be in Ljubljana. The present article sheds light on the origin and subsequent fate of the Galeria Valvasoriana and identifes the time and circumstances under which individual portraits were painted. The main focus is on the historical context as the starting point for further art historical and culture historical research.
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