Visual Propaganda in the Slovenian Territory during the First World War: Influences and Specifics


  • Barbara Vodopivec



visual propaganda, War Press Office, KPQ, Art Department, Ivan Vavpotič, Friederich Gornik, ar in Pictures, war postcards


The contribution focuses on the issues related to the image of visual propaganda in the Slovenian territory during the First World War; on the origins of its influences; and on the question whether this image reflected any regional characteristics. First, it presents the results of analysing the activities of the central Austro-Hungarian War Press Office (Kriegspressequartier, KPQ) and its Art Department (Kunstgruppe) and Propaganda Department (Propagandagruppe). It underlines the in- fluence of these institutions in the Slovenian territory based on the wartime art exhibitions, activities of war artists, and mechanisms of producing the mass press contents. Based on the archival materials, it also reveals certain previously unknown details regarding the activities of sculptor Friedrich Gornik (1877–1943) and painter Ivan Vavpotič (1877–1943) as war artists and presents Vavpotič’s wartime opus, kept in the Museum of Military History in Vienna, which has, to date, not received scientific attention. In the continuation, the article reveals the results of the analysis that focused on the topics and art motifs of the postcard collection War in Pictures, published in the territory of Slovenia, and pays special attention to identifying the influences and defining the peculiarities that can be associated with the Slovenian territory.


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Author Biography

Barbara Vodopivec

ZRC SAZU, Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta
Novi trg 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana



How to Cite

Vodopivec, B. (2020). Visual Propaganda in the Slovenian Territory during the First World War: Influences and Specifics. Acta Historiae Artis Slovenica, 25(2).


