For the Master of the Kranj Nave Vault
Gothic architecture, Church of St Cantianus in Kranj, stonemasons’ marks, Master of the Kranj Nave Vault, Church of St Peter above BegunjeAbstract
In 2021 and 2022, the bell tower façade of the Parish church of St Cantianus in Kranj underwent restoration. During the works, a total of nine new stonemasons’ marks were discovered on some of the blind trefoils. Two of these belong to a stonemason from the so-called Workshop of the church of St Brice of Tours in Naklo near Divača. One of the marks can be attributed to the young Master of the Kranj Nave Vault. The long-suspected continuity between the first and the second workshop in Kranj can thus also be supported on basis of the stonemason’s mark. We can assume that the Master of the Kranj Nave Vault begun his career as a stonemason around 1430 and was involved in the construction of the church of St James in Škofja Loka. His oeuvre also includes the church of St Peter above Begunje.
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