Latent cooling of atmosphere as an indicator of lowered snow line: Case study from Planica and Vrata valleys



Ključne besede:

lowered snow line, mountain climate, local climate, snow precipitation, Vrata Valley, Planica Valley, Slovenia, geography


A lowered snow line in Alpine valleys as a local weather phenomenon often varies from one valley to another. The relief morphology of the valleys and the intensity of precipitation play a crucial role in the variation. In Slovenia certain valleys are more susceptible to this phenomenon than others, one such example being the Planica Valley. This article examines the occurrence of a lowered snow line in the Planica Valley and the Vrata Valley during the winter seasons of 2015/2016 and 2016/2017. Precipitation events accompanying the occurrence of a lowered snow line were analyzed, and data on temperature and precipitation were included in the analysis. Results showed a striking degree of congruence of the phenomenon in both valleys.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.


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Kako citirati

Strle, D., & Ogrin, M. (2021). Latent cooling of atmosphere as an indicator of lowered snow line: Case study from Planica and Vrata valleys. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 61(1), 7–23.