Air temperature trends at Mount Śnieżka (Polish Sudetes) and solar activity, 1881–2012
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geography, airtemperature, long-term trends, impact of changes, mean Wolf number, Mount Śnieżka, PolandPovzetek
This article discusses air temperature variability at Mount Śnieżka in the Sudetes from 1881 to 2012. It analyzes the relationship between changing trends in mean annual air temperature (Tavg) and solar activity, expressed by the mean annual Wolf number. The characteristic feature of changes in annual mean extremes (Tmax, Tmin) and Tavg at Mount Śnieżka is an upward trend. The increase of Tmin (0.148 °C /10 years) has been twice as fast as that for Tmax (0.069 °C / 10 years). A strong correlation (almost 1.0) was found between the mean annual Wolf number for twenty-two-year cycles of magnetic changes in the Sun and 1988. During the 1989–2012 cycle, there was a strong increase in Tavg and, at the same time, a decrease in the mean annual Wolf number.
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