Gravitational sliding of the carbonate megablocks in the Vipava Valley, SW Slovenia



Ključne besede:

mass movement, slope deposits, gravitational carbonate blocks, lidar, Vipava Valley, Slovenia


The area of Lokavec in the Vipava Valley, SW Slovenia, consists of Mesozoic carbonates thrust over Paleogene siliciclastic flysch. Overthrusting and tectonic damage of carbonates accelerated their mechanical disintegration. As a result, accumulations of slope gravel and large carbonate gravitational blocks are deposited on the slopes. Based on previous research, basic geological mapping and analysis of the DEM, ten carbonate blocks were identified. The aim of our research was to map lithology, measure and analyse the dip of carbonate strata and to determine transport mechanisms for individual blocks. The displacement of blocks from the source area ranged from 80 m to 1950 m. With the displacement of gravitational blocks, changes in dip direction and dip angle were also observed. The differences between the strata dip of carbonate source area and gravitational megablocks are from 4° to 59°.


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Biografije avtorja

Maja Kocjančič, HGEM d.o.o. Zaloška street 43 1000 Ljubljana

Hgem d.o.o.


uni. dipl. ing. Geology

dipl. ing. Geotechnology and Mining (UN)

Tomislav Popit, University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering

Timotej Verbovšek, University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineeringizr. prof.


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Kako citirati

Kocjančič, M., Popit, T., & Verbovšek, T. (2019). Gravitational sliding of the carbonate megablocks in the Vipava Valley, SW Slovenia. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 59(1), 7–22.