Using the parcel shape index to determine arable land division types


  • Mojca Foški UL FGG


Ključne besede:

agricultural land, parcels, Parcel Shape Index, parcel shape, descriptive statistics, hierarchical clustering, Slovenia


This paper presents a new index for determining the shape of land parcels. Parcel shapes are usually represented descriptively (i.e. ribbon-shaped, rectangular, irregularly shaped), which is useless for automated distinguishing between parcel shapes or for determining and distinguishing between the patterns formed by parcels. Thus, we developed a Parcel Shape Index (IOP) to describe parcel shape characteristics, and then tested it in the test area of Gorenje pri Divači to analyse selected fields – as irregular blocks, enclosures, continuous strips, and furlongs. We found that IOP allows for a differentiation of parcels according to their shape as well as parcel patterns formed due to the individual types of dividing arable land.


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Biografija avtorja

Mojca Foški, UL FGG

UL FGG, Katedra za prostorsko plniranje


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Kako citirati

Foški, M. (2019). Using the parcel shape index to determine arable land division types. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 59(1), 83–101.