Cultural events as part of cultural tourism development. Case study: Sombor and Apatin (Serbia)


  • Ivana Blešić
  • Tatjana Pivac
  • Jasmina Đorđević
  • Igor Stamenković
  • Sava Janićević


Ključne besede:

festival, local population, attitudes, Sombor, Apatin, culture, tourism, regional development


Festivals and special events play a significant role in communities' lives because they provide important activities and spending outlets for both locals and visitors, and enhance the tourist image of local communities and their social cohesion. Backgrounds and contents of events are various, but the most attractive ones are those devoted to gastronomy or those that cherish tradition, customs, folklore and handicrafts. The municipalities of Sombor and Apatin are multiethnic regions with authentic folklore and food out of which numerous events of economic and entertainment content emerged. The authors of this study recognized the most significant ten. The research is aimed at determining the attitudes of the local population with regard to the organization, realization and economic importance of cultural events.


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Kako citirati

Blešić, I., Pivac, T., Đorđević, J., Stamenković, I., & Janićević, S. (2014). Cultural events as part of cultural tourism development. Case study: Sombor and Apatin (Serbia). Acta Geographica Slovenica, 54(2), 381–390.