Analysis of high waters on the Kriva Reka River, Macedonia


  • Dragan Vasileski
  • Ivan Radevski


Ključne besede:

geography, hydrology, Kriva Reka, high waters, maximum annual discharge, distributions, probability, Macedonia


The Kriva Reka River is located in northeastern Macedonia. Only a few manmade facilities, such as canals, dams, embankments, and hydropower plants, have been built along the river. This river type is particularly useful for calculating high waters using mathematical and statistical methods. To this end, five theoretical distributions were used in this study: the Gaussian normal distribution, log-normal distribution, Gumbel distribution, Pearson type III distribution, and log-Pearson type III distribution. In order to determine the probability of the occurrence of high waters at the Trnovec gauging station on the Kriva Reka, a period of 39 hydrologic years was processed, each year beginning in October.


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Kako citirati

Vasileski, D., & Radevski, I. (2014). Analysis of high waters on the Kriva Reka River, Macedonia. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 54(2), 363–377.