Evaluation of Fruška Gora National Park (Serbia) for sport and recreational tourism


  • Aleksandra Vujko
  • Jovan Plavša



Ključne besede:

geography, tourism, tourist evaluation, sport and recreational tourism, Fruška Gora national park, Vojvodina, Serbia


The Fruška Gora National Park has one of the biggest sport and recreational potentials in Vojvodina, Serbia. Because of its favorable natural and geographical features Fruška Gora National Park. Since sports and recreational tourism is of growing importance in the tourism industry, the evaluation method to create a high quality tourism product becomes inevitable. Empirical research conducted on a sample of 304 respondents was aimed at showing the existing potentials of Fruška Gora National Park related to sport and recreational tourism. The interviews with experts from the Provincial Secretariat for Environmental Protection, the National Park and the Cycling Association of Vojvodina helped the SWOT analysis of sport and recreational tourism on Fruška Gora National Park.


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Kako citirati

Vujko, A., & Plavša, J. (2014). Evaluation of Fruška Gora National Park (Serbia) for sport and recreational tourism. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 54(2), 321–334. https://doi.org/10.3986/AGS54206