Risk education in Serbia


  • Jelena Kovačević - Majkić
  • Marko V. Milošević
  • Milena Panić
  • Dragana Miljanović
  • Jelena Ćalić



Ključne besede:

natural disasters, prevention, education system, geography teaching, knowledge transfer, Serbia


Natural disaster risk reduction can be achieved through vulnerability reduction, as well as through strengthening the resilience of the population. One of the segments leading to these aims is a proper risk education. It is the public (compulsory) education system that reaches the greatest number of participants and represents a good platform for the natural disaster knowledge transfer. Geography, as a complex subject that includes both natural and social components, is the most appropriate to transfer the knowledge necessary to improve the resilience. Research done in Serbia (detailed analyses of curricula, textbooks, teachers' role and pupils' knowledge) shows that children do learn about natural disasters but not in a way which provides usable knowledge.


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Kako citirati

Kovačević - Majkić, J., Milošević, M. V., Panić, M., Miljanović, D., & Ćalić, J. (2014). Risk education in Serbia. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 54(1), 163–178. https://doi.org/10.3986/AGS54305