Including development topics in a cultural heritage management plan: Mercury heritage in Idrija


  • Janez Nared
  • Bojan Erhartič
  • Nika Razpotnik Visković


Ključne besede:

geography, regional development, regional management, cultural heritage, management plan, UNESCO, participatory process


Mercury heritage in Idrija has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List together with the Spanish town of Almadén. Idrija’s rich cultural heritage thus became an important development factor that should be appropriately included in development documents, while preserving the integrity and authenticity of heritage, and taking into account its development role. This article presents the key findings of a participatory process whose goal is to form a cultural heritage management plan that will ensure that heritage becomes an important driver of municipal development. It highlights the need for comprehensive planning that includes all stakeholders, transcends divisions between sectors, and contributes to the harmonious and successful development of the area.


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Kako citirati

Nared, J., Erhartič, B., & Razpotnik Visković, N. (2013). Including development topics in a cultural heritage management plan: Mercury heritage in Idrija. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 53(2), 394–402.