Ivan Gams – karstologist


  • Andrej Kranjc



Ključne besede:

karstology, corrosion, karst geomorphology, speleology, limestone tablets, karst polje, Ivan Gams


Academician Ivan Gams is Slovenia's best known researcher of karst and the most prolific author of works on karst. During his first job at the Institute of Geography of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, he started researching the karst surface and underground. He published several in-depth publications on karst caves, the most well-known being the studies of the shaft Triglavsko brezno in the 1960's. Right from the beginning, he focused on issues to which he then dedicated more or less his whole life − and which were also widely recognized by professional public both at home and abroad −, namely corrosion intensity determined by the hardness of water and the discharges of karst rivers and springs, and the method of limestone tablets. Within the geomorphology of karst, Gams was mostly dealing with the karst polje, especially its definition and evolution.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.


Anonim, 1998: Ivan Gams. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti ob šestdesetletnici. Ljubljana. Ljubljana.

Ford, D. C., Williams, P. 2007: Karst Geomorphology and Hydrology. Chicester.

Gams, I. 1951: Morfološki problemi jame in potoka Mitoščice. Acta carsologica 1. Ljubljana. Gams, I. 1959: H geomorfologiji kraškega polja Globodola in okolice. Acta carsologica 2. Ljubljana.

Gams, I. 1959a: Poskus s ploščicami v Podpeški jami. Naše jame 1-2, Ljubljana.

Gams, I. 1966: K hidrologiji ozemlja med Postojnskim, Planinskim in Cerkniškim poljem. Acta carsologica 4. Ljubljana.

Gams, I. 1961: H geomorfologiji Bele krajine. Acta geographica 6. Ljubljana.

Gams, I. 1973: Die zweiphasige quartärzeitliche Flächenbildung in den Poljen und Blindtälern des nordwestlichen Dinarischen Karstes. Semmel, A., Pfeffer, K.-H. Neue Ergebnisse der Karstforschung in den Tropen und im Mittelmeerraum: Vorträge des Frankfurter Karstsymposiums 1971. Erkundliches Wissen 32. Wiesbaden.

Gams, I. 1973a: Slovenska kraška terminologija. Ljubljana.

Gams, I. 1978: The polje: the problem of definition. Zeitschrift für geomorphologie 22-2. Stuttgart.

Gams, I. 1985: Mednarodne primerjalne meritve površinske korozije s pomočjo standardnih apneniških tablet. Zbornik Ivana Rakovca 26. Ljubljana.

Ivanov, V. N., Sevastjanov, E. M., Šutov, J. I., Mamatkilov, M. M., Cikin, R. A. 1983: Pervie rezultati eksperimentalnogo issledovania karstovoi denudacii v SSSR. Geologičeskij žurnal 3-43. Moscow.

Jennings, J. 1977: Limestone Tablets Experiments at Cooleman Plains, New South Wales, Australia, and their implications. bhandlungen Zur Karst-und Hohlenkunde Reihe A - Spelaologie 15. München.

Kladnik, D. 2013: Ivan Gams – terminologist, encyclopedist, biographer, and more. Acta geographica Slovenica 53-2. Ljubljana. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3986/AGS53200

Novak, D. 1988: Gradivo za slovensko speleološko biografijo z bibliografijo. Naše jame 30. Ljubljana.

Panoš, V. 2001: Karsologicka a speleologicka terminologie. Žilina.

Perko, D. 2013: Contribution of Ivan Gams to Slovenia’s regional geography and regionalization. Acta geographica Slovenica 53-2. Ljubljana. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3986/AGS53201

Sarin, A., Kranjc, A., Kapelj, S., Kogovšek, J., Buljan, R. 1997: On the significance of dissolved carbonates in karst processes (Gams' approach) – a call for research cooperation. Theoretical and applied karstology 10. Bucureşti.

Zorn, M., Komac, B. 2013: Contribution of Ivan Gams to Slovenian physical geography and geography of natural hazards. Acta geographica Slovenica 53-1. Ljubljana. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3986/AGS53102



Kako citirati

Kranjc, A. (2013). Ivan Gams – karstologist. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 53(1), 9–21. https://doi.org/10.3986/AGS53101