Morphological analysis of the Slovenian coast with data from lidar and sonar ranging


  • Nataša Kolega
  • Mojca Poklar


Ključne besede:

geography, lidar, sonar, coastal zone, cliff, underwater platform, Koprsko primorje, Slovenia


The coastal zone, the land and sea area bordering the shoreline, is an area with unique intertwining features. This article reveals a new study of the coastal zone as an inseparable whole in three-dimensional (3D) space. The starting points of the study were data from lidar and sonar ranging gathered in a 3D space of an approximately 1-kilometer-long coastal zone of Koprsko primorje. According to these data spatial analyses were made: height or depth analysis, slope and exposure analysis, and classification of land and sea interaction. Special attention was devoted to cliffs, abrasion platforms and underwater stone platforms. Spatial analyses gave a new vision of the coastal zone and revealed new features.


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Kako citirati

Kolega, N., & Poklar, M. (2012). Morphological analysis of the Slovenian coast with data from lidar and sonar ranging. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 52(1), 121–140.


