Economic Geographical Assessment of Investments – A Development Factor in Regional Development


  • Marjan Ravbar


Ključne besede:

geography, economic geography, geographical analysis of investments, Slovenia


The paper presents some geographical characteristics of investment development in the first years of the 21st century, covering at least fragmentarily the gap in Slovenia’s economic geography. In the process we tried to draw attention to the sporadic character and rapid developmental changes in economic geographical events within production systems.
In the paper we focus on the geographical distribution of investments and their impacts on regional development. Special attention is devoted to studying the spatial distribution of investment activities relative to factors such as the amount, development, branch structure, and distribution of the amount of investment that indicate the diversification and development of the economy.


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Kako citirati

Ravbar, M. (2009). Economic Geographical Assessment of Investments – A Development Factor in Regional Development. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 49(1), 143–178.


