Cultural industry as a result of new city tertiarization


  • David Bole


Ključne besede:

geography, economic geography, cultural industry, tertiarization, tertiary activities, urban geography, creativity, Ljubljana


The article introduces a new form of economic activities, which has attracted much attention during the past years. This new form is cultural industry, a term which defines a certain part of tertiary activities, the importance of which is rapidly gaining in importance within cities. The term cultural industry includes all highly specialized services, which provide products and services, that have a higher symbolic than material value and trade with intellectual property rights. The article provides precise definitions of cultural industry and an empirical presentation in the case of Ljubljana. Furthermore the article also implies possible consequences of cultural industry on the economic and spatial development of cities.


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Kako citirati

Bole, D. (2008). Cultural industry as a result of new city tertiarization. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 48(2), 255–276.


