Differences between 100-meter and 25-meter digital elevation models according to types of relief in Slovenia


  • Mauro Hrvatin
  • Drago Perko



Ključne besede:

relief, surface, digital elevation model, height, slope, aspect, Slovenia


Studying relief and landscapes, we often employ digital elevation models. Their applicability is primarily linked to their accuracy. In this paper, we compare the older 100-meter digital elevation model of Slovenia and the more recent 25-meter digital elevation model. We assess applicability relative to differences in surface heights, surface slopes, and surface aspects for all of Slovenia and for four areas with different relief. We compare the frequency of distribution, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, range, and the coefficient of variation. The statistical analysis of the two digital elevation models of Slovenia indicates that the smallest differences exist relative to surface heights, there are larger differences relative to surface aspects, and the largest differences exist relative to surface slopes.


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Kako citirati

Hrvatin, M., & Perko, D. (2005). Differences between 100-meter and 25-meter digital elevation models according to types of relief in Slovenia. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 45(1), 7–31. https://doi.org/10.3986/AGS45101


