Gastronomy tourism: A brief introduction



Ključne besede:

food, tourism, rural development, qualitative research, culinary experiences, agricultural products, place-making


The aim of this paper is to provide a theoretical and conceptual introduction for the special issue on the interactions between food and territory manifested in gastronomy tourism. We focus on four perspectives: sustainability, the role of heritage, the potential for rural development and the networking of stakeholders. The contributions critically examine the development potentials but also the weaknesses of the growing gastronomy tourism. The case study approach and qualitative methods provide a detailed and concrete insight into the emerging challenges of host communities, tourism businesses and farmers, public policy makers and visitors. The special issue also provides applicable results for stakeholders involved in the strategic development, creation and consumption of tourism offerings.


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Kako citirati

Razpotnik Visković, N., & Komac, B. (2021). Gastronomy tourism: A brief introduction. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 61(1), 95–105.



Special issue: Gastronomy, territory and tourism