Eogenetic caves in Pleistocene carbonate conglomerate in Slovenia
geography, karst geomorphology, speleology, caves in conglomerate, eogenetic caves, Pleistocene, SloveniaAbstract
This paper focuses on caves in Pleistocene carbonate conglomerates in Slovenia and for the first time defines them as eogenetic. The conglomerates show no deep burial that would resemble the mezogenetic stage of diagenesis and are still in the phase of early diagenesis (i.e. eogenetic stage). Based on speleological analysis the eogenetic caves were grouped into four types; (1) linear stream caves, (2) shelter caves, (3) breakdown caves, and (4) vadose shafts. All four types of caves, described in this paper, can appear individually, however, complex cave systems are often a combination of passages of different types.Downloads
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