Air temperature characteristics of the Postojna and Predjama cave systems
geography, karstology, cave climate, monitoring of cave climate, air temperature, Postojna cave system, Predjama cave system, SloveniaAbstract
Monitoring of air temperature takes place at five locations in two cave systems. At monitoring location Velika gora (Postojna 1), mean air temperature for the time period 2009–2010 was 11.10 °C. Of three monitoring locations Velika gora is situated at the highest absolute height. Mean air temperature in the same period was 10.66 °C in the central part of the Lepe jame cave (Postojna 3) and 10.30 °C in the side passage (Postojna 2). Temperature difference between outside and cave temperature is the highest at Postojna 2 monitoring location, due to the inflow of the air currents from the unknown parts, especially in winter time. Manual temperature measurements (2004–2010) exhibit slight increase of air temperature at Postojna 1 and Postojna 2 monitoring sites. In the Predjama cave system, the air temperature in Velika dvorana is much more stable than in Konjski hlev passage, which is more subject to external influences.Downloads
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Internet 1: (15. 7. 2010)
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