The motives for service users visiting the wellness centres in Slovenia
geography, tourism, motives for visiting, healthy lifestyle, service users, wellness centers, SloveniaAbstract
The word “wellness” is usually used to indicate a healthy balance of the mind, the body and the spirit that results in an overall feeling of the well-being. The wellness centers have become an inseparable part of the hotel facilities, at the instance of the users who come to these centers because of different motives. The purpose of this research is to examine the characteristics of a healthy-living market segment and its motivational behavior to wellness facilities in Slovenia. Hence, the objectives of this research are as follows: to identify the motivational characteristics of the tourists visiting the wellness centers and to study the relationship between the tourists’ healthy-living behavioral patterns and the motivational behavior in relation to the wellness facilities in Slovenia.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Milica Rančić, Ivana Blešić, Jasmina Đorđević, David Bole

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