The principles of sustainable development of tourism in the special nature reserve »Gornje Podunavlje« and their impact on the local communities
geography, sustainable development, tourism, protected area, Gornje Podunavlje, local communitiesAbstract
The development of tourism in protected areas is a particular challenge for the tourism business and the activity of nature conservation. The leading criteria for sustainable tourism in protected areas emphasize the importance of the adoption of certain principles of care, long-term planning and management that integrates nature protection and tourism. In this respect, the paper analyzes their importance in the case of Special Nature Reserve »Gornje Podunavlje« in Vojvodina. After acquiring the status of a special nature reserve, talk about the importance of this area to the tourism of Sombor and Apatin, where it is located, has increased. This trend follows the design of educational and tourist tracks, starting and running events as well as starting tourism businesses in rural households. There could be multiple benefits of this for the local communities.
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