Ageing at home with the help of information and communication technologies


  • Boštjan Kerbler



geography, gerontology, the elderly, ageing at home, information and communication technologies (ICT), telecare


Due to the ageing of the population, developed countries are facing increasing financial needs to provide suitable healthcare, social care and housing for the elderly. One of the ways in which society has responded to such issues is the idea that the elderly should be able to remain in their home environment as long as possible, where they would be capable of leading their lives as independently as possible with the best possible quality of life. This article is based on the assumption that the concept of ageing at home can be implemented with the help of information and communication technologies, which is why developed societies should integrate it into their regular healthcare and social welfare systems as soon as possible. The implementation process has proven to be very complex and as such requires careful planning, especially in Slovenia.



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How to Cite

Kerbler, B. 2012: Ageing at home with the help of information and communication technologies. Acta geographica Slovenica 52-1.


