Cultural landscape evaluation and possibilities for future development – a case study of the island of Krk (Croatia)


  • Iva Rechner Dika
  • Branka Aničić
  • Kristina Krklec
  • Goran Andlar
  • Ines Hrdalo
  • Petra Pereković



geography, traditional agriculture, succession, revitalization, protection, evaluation, Krk island, Croatia, Mediterranean


Agricultural landscapes that resulted from many centuries of traditional agricultural cultivation are an important part of the cultural heritage in the European Mediterranean areas. Since a systematic study in the Republic of Croatia aimed at inventarisation and protection of cultural landscapes has not been carried out yet, the main purpose of this paper was to, based on a case study that took place on the island of Krk, show the method of agricultural landscape evaluation and possibilities for future development and protection of outstanding agricultural landscapes. The evaluation of all 12 identified agricultural landscape types was conducted and six of them were singled out as outstanding cultural landscapes. Possible structural changes of those landscapes were considered and a proposal for a strategy of the preservation of the valuable landscape heritage on the island of Krk has been formulated. It was concluded that for field landscapes, the preservation is possible through agricultural production modernization. Those outstanding agricultural landscapes that are not profitable, but have a great cultural and historical value, should be maintained through regular procedures for cultural monuments with 100% subsidy.



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How to Cite

Rechner Dika, I., Aničić, B., Krklec, K., Andlar, G., Hrdalo, I., Pereković, P. 2011: Cultural landscape evaluation and possibilities for future development – a case study of the island of Krk (Croatia). Acta geographica Slovenica 51-1.


