Limnological characteristics, water regime and water quality problems of Borkovac reservoir (Vojvodina, Serbia)
geography, hydrology, limnology, artificial lakes, Borkovac reservoir, Vojvodina, SerbiaAbstract
In this study we present interdisciplinary investigations of the Borkovac reservoir (Vojvodina, Serbia). The limnological characteristics of the reservoir were analysed in the scope of its sustainable use for irrigation, fishing and tourism. This multipurpose water accumulation has been established in 1975 as a part of regional hydrological system of the Fruška Gora mountain region.The main environmental problems recognized in this study were: water regime, intensive sedimentation in the reservoir, enhanced water eutrophycation and toxic cyanobacterial blooms. Observed environmental problems and proposed solutions in the case of the Borkovac accumulation including construction of the sediment precipitator at the Borkovac stream junction to lake, sediment removal, artificial water mixing and oxygenation, phosphorous inactivitation, different kinds of biomanipulations and biomass removal and introduction of ecoremedation methods could also be applied to other artificial water bodies of the Fruška Gora slopes.
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Copyright (c) 2011 Dragan Dolinaj, Slobodan Marković, Zorica Svirčev, Mlađen Jovanović, Stevan Savić, Lazar Lazić, Jasmina Đorđević

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