Reconstruction of the pleistocene glaciers of Mt. Durmitor in Montenegro


  • Predrag Djurović



geography, glaciation, glacier reconstruction, Pleistocene, Durmitor, Dinaric mountains, Montenegro


Mount Durmitor is situated in the southeastern part of the Dinaric mountain system in Montenegro. Throughout the Pleistocene there were many glaciers there, which descended to adjacent karst plateau. Types of glaciers, their number and direction of moving were mostly affected by geological structure (carbonate basis) and pre-glacial relief (karst and fluvial relief). During two phases of intensive glaciation, the surface that had been seized by glacial changes also changed. Over 54% of the surface of Durmitor was exposed to the glacial process of the stronger phase and about 36% of the weaker phase. Cirque type of glaciation dominated the third phase.


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How to Cite

Djurović, P. 2009: Reconstruction of the pleistocene glaciers of Mt. Durmitor in Montenegro. Acta geographica Slovenica 49-2.


