Commons and their contribution to sustaining Slovenian cultural landscapes
commons, new commons, transforming commons, collective actions, nature’s contribution to people, cultural landscape, SloveniaAbstract
The main challenge of cultural landscapes is how to manage them, and the concept of commons through collective actions can help in this regard. Based on a questionnaire, 21 collective actions related to cultural landscapes in Slovenia were examined using descriptive statistics. Results show that 1) traditional and transforming commons deal with forests and pastures, whereas new ones are more diverse regarding land use but in significantly smaller areas; 2) new commons indicate possible future mechanism, but they do not (yet) have an impact on cultural landscapes; 3) the main benefits of commons refer to social aspects followed by non-material and regulative benefits; material benefits are ranked last; and 4) new collective actions, especially in urban areas, have difficulties obtaining lands which threatens their existence.
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