Collective Experience of Defection and other Types of Youth Emigration after the Second World War in Written, Oral and other Auto/Biographical Sources


  • Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik



emigration, illegal migration, auto/biographical sources, migration control, Yugoslavia/Slovenia


The article deals with the period of emigration in the Slovenian territory from the end of WWII to the beginning of the 1960s. Beside the limited possibilities for legal crossing, the prevalent forms of emigration in this period were the illegal crossing of the western and northern borders or defection. The many reasons for emigration or escape are most thoroughly described in the auto/biographical testimonies of the agents of these practices. The article is based on an overview and comparative analysis of the personal experiences of emigration and escaping of the selected individuals. It aims to highlight the complexity of the reasons for the departure of young people during this period.


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Author Biography

Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik

Dr. sociologije, izr. prof., znanstvena svetnica, Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana; hladnik@zrc-sazu-si — Prispevek je nastal v okviru raziskovalnih projektov »Nadzor nad migracijami na Slovenskem od Avstro-Ogrske do samostojne Slovenije« (J6-8250) in »Socialna, gospodarska in kulturna zgodovina slovenskega izseljenstva 1945–1991« (J5-8246) ter raziskovalnega programa »Narodna in kulturna identiteta slovenskega izseljenstva v kontekstu raziskovanja migracij« (P5-0070).



How to Cite

Milharčič Hladnik, M. (2020). Collective Experience of Defection and other Types of Youth Emigration after the Second World War in Written, Oral and other Auto/Biographical Sources. Two Homelands, (51).


