Slovene Press in Canada
The present article brings a short survey about Slovene ethnic press in Canada, from the immigrants who arrived in Canada between two Wars and those who immigrated since World War II. The survey below includes Slovene newspapers, magazines and some other publications, published in Canada and written by our immigrants. Publications not mentioned are those issued for special purposes or of local interest only.
Genorio R., 1989: Slovenci v Kanadi, Geographica Slovenica 17, Ljubljana, str. 142.
Klinar P., 1976: Mednarodne migracije, Maribor, str. 122.
Bajec I., 1965: Slovensko izseljensko časopisje 1891-1945, Slovenski koledar, str. 228.
Urbanc P.-Tourtel E., 1985: Slovenians in Canada, str. 11.
Dolenc I., 1980: Slovenska kulturna publicistika v Kanadi, Slovenski vestnik, št. 27, 4.7.1980, str. 3.
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