The Press as a Link Between the Leaders and the Rank and File of an Ethnic Fraternal Organization; Handling the Situation of Second generation Membership in the KSKJ’s Organs


  • Majda Kodrič


The article deals with the Glasilo K. S. K. Jednote and the Angelček (Little Angel) monthly as sources for the study of the position of the Carniolan Slovene Catholic Jednota on issues concerning the second generation memebrship. The comparaiosn between its stands and the stands of the Slovene National Benefit Jednota takes into consideration, partly and in general outlines, the organization's publications Prosveta and Mladinski list (Juvenile), later named The Voice of Youth. Noting the ideological differences between the two organizations, the article emphasizes their effort at coordinating approaches to problems of second generation's ethnic identity and acculturation.


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Slovene emigration to the United States is examined extensively in Matjaž Klemenčič, Ameriški Slovenci in NOB v Jugoslaviji, Maribor 1987, pp. 31-72, 286-288.

M. Klemenčič, "Slovenci v ameriški sta­ tistiki v 19. in v 20. stoletju”, Celovški zvon, 11/4 (September 1984), pp. 23-31.

Frank Zaitz, "Ameriški Slovenci včeraj, danes in jutri", Ameriški družinski koledar 1928, pp. 44-45.

Rudolph M. Susel, "Slovenes", in Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups, Ste­phan Thernstrom ed., Cambridge, MA, 1980, p. 938.

Majda Kod­rič, "Religion and Ethnic Identity within the Slovene Community in the United States: the Bases and the Transition to the Second Gene­ration”, manuscript, printing in Studi emigrazione, Fall 1991.

Toussaint Hočevar, "Češki vpliv pri snovanju slovenskih podpornih 'jednot' v ZDA", Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, 187-13:1/2 (1977), pp. 234-240.

Jože Zavertnik, Ameriški Slovenci. Pregled splošne zgodovine Združe­nih držav, slovenskega naseljevanja in naselbin in Slovenske narodne podporne jednote, Chicago 1925, pp. 553-623.

Jože Bajec, Slovensko izsel­jensko časopisje 1891-1945, Ljubljana 1980, pp. 34-36 and 48-49.

"Mladinski oddelek K.S.K. Jednote", Glasilo K.S.K. Jednote, 5:47 (Novem­ber 26, 1919), p. 5.

"Zapisnik seje glavnih odbornikov K.S.K. Jednote vršeče se v Jolietu, 111., od 19. do 22. januarja 1920", Glasilo K.S.K. Jednote, 6:4 (January 28, 1920), pp. 1-3, 7.

"Jugoslovanske podporne organizacije v Zedinjenih državah", priredil Ivan Mladineo, Ameriški družinski koledar 1930, pp. 20-23.

"Uradno naznanilo", Glasilo K.S. K- jednote, 4:12 (March 27, 1918), p. 5.

"Zlata knjiga K. S.K. Jednote", Glasilo K.S.K. Jednote, 5:4 (january 29, 1919), p. 4.

"Zlata knjiga K.S.K. Jednote”, Glasilo K.S. K. Jednote, 6:5 (February 4, 1920), p. 4.

"Posnemanja vredno”, Glasilo K.S.K. Jednote, 4:6 (February 13, 1918), p. 4.

"Posnemanja vredno", Glasilo K.S.K. Jednote, 4:11 (March 20, 1918), p. 2.

"Banket v počast glavnim odbornikom K.S.K.J.", Glasilo K. S.K. Jedno­te, 4:4 (January 30, 1918), p. 3.

"Veselo znamenje. Pozdravljeni naši mladi sobratje in sosestre!", Glasilo K.S.K. Jednote, 6:2 (January 14, 1920), p. 4.

"Zapisnik seje glavnih odbornikov K.S.K. Jednote vršeče se v Jolietu, 111., od 19. do 22. januarja 1920", Glasilo K.S.K. Jednote, 6:4 (January 28, 1920), pp. 1-3, 7.

Ksaver Meško, "Stara priča”, Angelček-Little Angel, 1:2 (July 1921), pp. 31-32.

K. Meško, "Pravljica o oglarjevi hčerki in zakletem kralje­viču", Ibidem, pp. 35-37.

Srečnemu otroku", Angelček-Little Angel, 1:3 (August 1921), p. 55 and "Mamici”, Ibidem, p. 59.

Anton Medved, "Slo­venska govorica", Angelček-Little Angel, 1:2 (July 1921), p. 25.

Majda Kodrič, "Class Consciousness among the Second Generation: Expectations and Responses within the Slovene National Benefit So­ciety in the 1920s”, Migracijske teme, 4:1/2 (1988), pp. 113-115, 117, 121-123.

M. Kodrič, "Melting pot; izgubljena bitka Ameriških Slovencev?”, Slovenski koledar '87, pp. 165-166.

Nives Sulič, Thank God I'm Slovenian, Ljubljana 1983, p. 69.



How to Cite

Kodrič, M. (1992). The Press as a Link Between the Leaders and the Rank and File of an Ethnic Fraternal Organization; Handling the Situation of Second generation Membership in the KSKJ’s Organs. Two Homelands, (2-3), 195–207. Retrieved from


