Dr. Božo Škerlj and Slovene Emigrants in America


  • Marina Lukšič-Hacin


The article describes the contacts of Dr Božo Škerlj with the Slovene emigrants from Cleveland, their exchange of books, and his visit to the Slovene emigrants in Cleveland during his study tour of the United States. He later described the experiences gathered on this tour, realisations and ideas which he gathered on this tour, in the book entitled Unknown America and the article Some Aculturalisation Phenomena among the American Slovenes. The article is based on social anthropology and deals with aculturalisation. In conclusion professor Škerlj gives several starting points for the research of aculturalisation processes among the Slovene emigrants.


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Osebni arhiv dr. Boža Škerlja.

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Škerlj, Božo (1952): Profesor Božo Škerlj se zahvaljuje ameriškim rojakom. Prosveta, 17. november, str.3.

Škerlj, Božo (1951): Ali bomo čez milijon let res samo še pritlikavci. Prosveta, 23.april, str.3.

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How to Cite

Lukšič-Hacin, M. . (1994). Dr. Božo Škerlj and Slovene Emigrants in America. Two Homelands, (5). Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/twohomelands/article/view/13386


