A Refugees Fate
The end of the Second Warld War in Slovenia meant an unavoidable necessity to flee as refugees, for what part of the population that had already opposed the communist revolution during the war. The majority of Slovenes were convinced of the temporary nature of their stay: when conditions at home were settled, they intended to return to their homeland. Sience this expectation proved false, the majority of them dicided to emigrate overseas, while some of them remaihned on the »nearabrod«
Jože Krivec: Odhod. - Duhovno življenje 43/1975, št. 5 - 8/9.
Slovenski begunci v Avstriji. - Koledar Svobodne Slovenije 1949, str. 109.
Pripraviti se bo treba. - Domači glasovi 2/1946, št. 153, str. 1 - 2.
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