Frederick Baraga: On the 200th anniversary of his birth


  • Janez Stanonik


The study surveys the life and work of Frederick Baraga (1797-1868), who came to America in 1831 to work as a Catholic missionary among the Ojibway and Ottawa Indians in Upper Michigan and Minnesota, since 1859 as bishop of Sault Ste Marie and later of Marquette. His literary work in Slovene, which he pursued both before and after his departure for America, was limited exclusively to religious texts, prayer books and meditative edification. He wrote also a whole series of books in Ojibway and Ottawa languages which in their contents resemble books he had published in Slovene.


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Charles A. Ceglar, B aragiana C o llectio n : Part I: The W orks o f B ishop F rederic B araga, Hamilton, Canada: Baragiana Publishing, 1991, 318 str. - Part II: B ishop F rederic Baraga B ib lio g ra p h y, ib. 1992, 314 str.

C hippew a In d ia n s as R eco rd ed by Rev. F red erick B araga in 1847. (edited by Bertrand Kotnik). Studia Slovenica, New York - Washington: League of Slovenian Americans, 1976, 78 str.

Maksimilijan Jezernik, F rederik Baraga. Zbirka rim skih dokum entov. Acta ecclesiastica Sloveniae, Ljubljana 1980, 231 str.

B aragova m isijonska pism a, zbral Jože Gregorič, Ljubljana: Družina, 1983, 258 str.

The D iary o f B ishop F rederic Baraga. Ed. by Regis M. Walling and Rev. N. Daniel Rupp, Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1990, 330 str.

Leon Vončina, F rid erik Baraga, p rvi slovenski a p o stolski m isijo n a r in š k o f m ed In d ija n ci v A m eriki, Celovec: Družba Sv. Mohorja, 1869, 198 str.

Chrysostomus Verwyst, L ife a n d Labors o f Rt. Rev. F rederic B araga, Milwaukee: M. H. Wiltzius & Comp, 1900, 476 str.

Antoine Ivan Režek, H istory o f the D iocese o f S ault Ste M arie and M a rq u ette, Houston, Mich., Part I, 1906, 393 str. - Part II, 1907, 401 str.

Lam bert E hrlich, “F riderik B araga, veliki m isijonar Indijancev” , v: Slovenska m isijonarja B araga in K noblehar, U. C. Miss, pro Jugoslavia III, Ljubljana: založba Unio cleri, 1928, str. 3-35.

Franc Jaklič, M isijo n ski š k o f Iren ej F riderik B araga, Celje: Družba Sv. M ohorja, 193 1, 239 str.

Bernard Lambert, S h ep h erd o f the W ilderness. A B iography o f B ishop F red erick B araga, L ’Anse, Mich., 1967, 255 str.

Franc Jaklič, Jakob Šolar, F rid erik B araga, Celje: Mohorjeva družba, 1968, 156 str.

Rudolf P. Cuješ, N in id ja n issid o g saiagiinagog. Contribution to the Sociocultural Development of the Canadian Indians, Antigonish (Nova Scotia): St. Francis Xavier University Press, 1968, 113 str.

Maksimilijan Jezernik, F rederik B araga, A Portrait of the First Bishop of Marquette. Based on the Archives of the Congregation de Propaganda Fide, New York - W ashington: Studia Slovenica, 1968, 155 str.

Tone Zrnec, Po B aragovi deželi, Toronto: zal. Slovenska šola Marije Pomagaj, 1969, 177 str.

Alojz Rebula, D uh V elikih je ze r, Celje: Mohorjeva družba, 1980, 309 str.



How to Cite

Stanonik, J. . (1996). Frederick Baraga: On the 200th anniversary of his birth. Two Homelands, (7). Retrieved from


