The development of the Slovene Emigrant Community in Rock Springs, Wyoming, from the first Slovene Settlers until the Beginning of the 1930’s


  • Matjaž Klemenčič


The contribution deals with the history of the town Rock Springs, a typical mining town in the American West whose coalmines have in the second half of the 19th century attracted numerous immigrants that were members of 28 different nations, and were regarding the then political division of the world coming from 24 states. In the second part the author deals with the history of the Slovene community, especially with the organisational part and the activities in economic and political spheres. In his conclusion the author ascertains that the Slovene community – as the third strongest in the variegated national structure of the population – contributed a great deal to the progress of the town, particularly to the development of its tradition and a recognisable identity.


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How to Cite

Klemenčič, M. . (2001). The development of the Slovene Emigrant Community in Rock Springs, Wyoming, from the first Slovene Settlers until the Beginning of the 1930’s. Two Homelands, (13). Retrieved from


