The Slovak Press in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries, with Particular Emphasis on the Slovak-American
The founders of the Slovak press in the United States were Jan Slovensky and Julius Wolf who in 1885 launched the Amerikanszko-Szlovenszke Noviny (American-Slovak News) weekly. Between 1885 and 1918 as many as 121 newspapers and reviews were launched, more than a half of them having lived less then one year. Of those established between 1885 and 1891, only three survived until 1918. The author outlines the development and orientation of these publications and compares them to the press in the homeland.
Konstantin Čulen, J. Slovensky: Životopis zakladatela prvych slovenskych novm v Amerike (Winnipeg, 1954), 16-88.
KonšLantin Čulen, Slovenske Casopisy v Amerike (Cleveland, 1970), 87.
P.V. Rovnianek, Zapisky za živa poehovaneho (Pittsburgh, 1924), 14-51, and Ferienčik, Slovenske pristahovalectvo, 23.
Ferienčik, Slovenske pristahovalectvo, 25 and Čulen, Casopisy, 88-89.
Čulen, J. Slovensky, 123-126; N.W. Ayer & Son's, Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals in the United States (Philadelphia, 1889).
Čulen, Casopisy, 51-53 and Jožef Paučo, Slovenski priekopmci v Amerike (Cleveland, 1972), 72-78.
Michal Potemra, Bibliografia slovenskych novin a časopisov do roku 1918 (Martin, 1958), 1-56 and Frano Ruttkay, Prehlad dejin slovenskeho novinarstva do roku 1918 (Bratislava, 1979), 266-68.
Potemra, Bibliografia, 119-120 and Ruttkay, Prehlad dejin, 268-271.
Julius MesaroS, et. al., Dejiny Slovenska, II: od roku 1848 do roku 1900 (Bratislava, 1968), 484-5, Potemra, Bibliografia, 26-60 and Rutt- kay, Prehlad dejin, 271-321.
Potemra, Bibliografia, 26-60 and Ruttkay, Prehlad dejin, 271-321.
N.W. Ayer & Son's, Directory, 1893-94; Čulen, Casopisy, 41-42; and Miloš Gosiorovsky, František Pucher-Cernovodsky a robotnicke hnutie, in Josef PoliSensky, ed., ZaCiatky českej a slovenskej emigracie do USA (Bratislava, 1970), 197-207.
Pankuch, Dejiny, all; Čulen, Casopisy, 33-34 and 151; Paučo, prie- kopnfci, 299-308.
Čulen, Casopisy, 148-150, 83-84; and Ladislav Thjtak, Naša zastava, nastroj politiky madarskych vladnucich tried, Novč obzory, 8 (Prešov, 1966).
Ferienčfk, Slovenskč pristahovalectvo, 29; Paučo, priekopnfci, 23-28; 64-71; Čulen, Casopisy, 184-185; 75-75.
Narodnie noviny (Martin), February 8, 1881, p. 1; and Mčsaroš, Dejiny, 164, 366 and 494.
Amerikansko-Slovenske noviny, July 13, 1896, p. 1; Gusto Košfk, Prvč desatročie našej Jednoty, Sbornfk Rimsko a Grčcko Katolfckej Telocvičnej Jednoty Sokol (Passaic, 1916), 35-51.
Frank Uherka, Kratky prehlad S.K.P.J. Jednoty, Kalendar pre Slovenskych Kalvinov (Pittsburgh, 1927), 37-38.
Narodny Kalendar (Pittsburgh, 1899), 158-61; P. Novomeška to František Sasinek, July 5, 1895, Literarny archfv Matice slovenskej (hereafter LAMS), 37-048.
Robert E. Park, The Immigrant Press and Its Control (Montclair, N.J., 1922 and 1971), 328.
Kenneth D. Miller, The Czecho-Slovaks in America (New York, 1922), 96.
Owen V. Johnson, Sociocultural and National Development in Slovakia, 1918-1938, Education and Its Impact, unpublished, Ph.D. thesis, Uni versity of Michigan, 1978, 62.
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